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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top Reasons To Take Gymnastics

Physical activities for children becomes more and more important as the rate of obesity in children rises.  "In the United States, childhood obesity affects approximately 12.5 million children and teens (17% of that population)" - Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  In the sport of gymnastics, there are many physical benefits as well as non-physical benefits that can aid in your child becoming happy, healthy and confident throughout their childhood and adult life.

Benefits of Gymnastics
  1. Great physical benefits: performing basic gymnastics skills/movements one can benefit in the areas of building muscle strength, healthy bones and flexibility (which can aid in other sports).   
  2. Builds balance and basic motor skills:  Gymnastics benefits both gross motor and fine motor development.  Gymnasts are not only developing strong legs and arms through balancing, jumping, climbing and swinging, but they are also developing fine motor skills in which they learn to manipluate their fingers and hands.  Gymnastics also aids in developing hand and eye coordination and focus.  Mommy and me programs are great starter programs for children to build these basic skills at an early age.
  3. Teaches a love for exercise at an early age: having an appreciation/love for exercise at a early age can promote trends that children can continue throughout their lifetime and into adulthood.  Exercise at any age also helps with fighting disease and keeps our kids healthy. 
  4. Builds confidence and improves self esteem: Studies have shown that children involved in sports gain confidence in their achievements, are able to learn independence and improve problem solving skills.
  5. Encourages healthy brain function: when they are exersicing their bodies they are also exercising their brains. 
Here is a great article by about the benefits of gymnastics and all the sport has to offer for your child to become happy, healthy and confident.

For more information on Olympiad Gymnastics, visit our website at

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