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Thursday, August 25, 2016

September is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month at Olympiad

Each April USA Gymnastics hosts a Child Abuse Prevention month, in an effort to grow awareness within our Olympiad/Team Central community, Olympiad & Team Central hosts a Child Abuse Prevention month in September in accordance with USA Gymnastics' April efforts.   

What are we doing to prevent child abuse in our community?  Olympiad and Team Central have put several policies in place regarding our staff, instructors, and parents.  We have developed a Child Welfare binder that we keep at every Olympiad/Team Central location. The binders contain handouts, educational materials, reference guides, and action steps to assist our staff, instructors, and team coaches regarding Standards of Conduct, Child Abuse and Neglect information, and Procedures for Reporting Complaints and Violations.  

Some of the Standards of Behavior that Olympiad/TC have adopted include, but are not limited to:  
1) Avoiding being alone with a child
2) Establish Boundaries for Necessary Physical Contact, 
3) Set Travel/Transportation Guidelines and 
4) Prohibit Electronic, Social, and Out of Program interactions.  

Resources for our Parents
Below are some resources for parents regarding prevention, safety precautions, and knowing the signs and signals of abuse or "grooming".

You can find more articles, videos and resources like this on USA Gymnastics website at

Child Lures Prevention/Teen Lures Prevention
Our mission is to help ensure the personal safety of children and youth through increased awareness, education, advocacy and action.

Child Help USA
Assisting victims of child abuse through treatment programs (Child Help Advocacy Centers) and offering prevention programs such as Childsafe Speak Up Be Safe for Educators.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
Connecting child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive resources to help protect children and strengthen families.

Darkness to Light
Our programs raise awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse by educating adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse.

The Kempe Foundation for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect
Kempe is partnering with policy makers, human service agencies, child advocacy groups and nonprofits locally and around the nation and globe to prevent child abuse and neglect and to treat victims of abuse and neglect.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® opened in 1984 to serve as the nation’s clearinghouse on issues related to missing and sexually exploited children. Today NCMEC is authorized by Congress to perform 22 programs and services to assist law enforcement, families and the professionals who serve them.

Prevent Child Abuse America
Prevent Child Abuse America is the national champion of great childhoods for all children. Founded in 1972 in Chicago, Prevent Child Abuse America works to promote the healthy development of children and prevent child abuse before it can occur in order to help children to grow up and contribute in their communities. 

We all have a role to play in creating a healthy setting for sport. SafeSport helps raise awareness about misconduct in sport, promote open dialogue, and provide training and resources. When we work as a team, we can build a game plan to make sport safe―for everyone.

Stop It Now!
Stop It Now! was founded by Fran Henry, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who learned first hand that standard approaches to keeping children safe from child sexual abuse at that time did not respond to the complex relationships surrounding most abuse.

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